

人气:304 ℃/2024-04-28 08:27:47



Lesson 1(4个单词)



/ə''gen; ə''geɪn/ / adv.又,再次

Nice to see you again.(很高兴再次见到你。)


/glæd/ / adj.高兴的,快活的

I am glad it''s all over.(我很高兴一切都结束了。)


/waɪ/ / adv.为什么

Why do I have so many questions?(为什么我会有这么多问题?)


/bʊk/ / n.书

I have a book.(我有一本书。)

Lesson 2(2个单词)



/sæd/ / adj.悲伤的;难过的

You look sad in this picture.(这张照片你看起来很难过。)


/sə''praizd/ / adj.感到惊讶的

I''m not really surprised.(我其实并不惊讶。)

Lesson 3(3个单词)


·*look for

/ v.寻找

Is this the right place to look for science fiction novels?(这是找科幻小学的地方吗?)

·*get well

/ 康复

I hope he''ll get well soon.(我希望他早日康复。)


/ʌp''set/ / adj.心烦的,苦恼的

He had an upset stomach.(他胃不舒服。)

Lesson 5(5个单词)



/spiːk/ / v.说话

She is speaking into her cell phone.(她正对着手机说话。)


/''rəʊbɒt/ / n.机器人

In the future,we all will have robot assistants.(未来,我们会有机器人助手。)


/''haʊswɜːk/ / n.家务劳动

Modern inventions facilitate housework.(许多现代发明便利了家务劳动。)


/mɪz/ / abbr.女士

Ms Highsmith has made Switzerland her home.(海史密斯女士已经在瑞士安了家。)


/''misiz/ / n.太太;夫人

Mrs Cavendish is a dear friend of mine.(卡文迪什夫人是我的一位亲密朋友。)

Lesson 6(4个单词)



/ðeə; ðə/ / adv.在那里

How many birds are there?(那里有多少只鸟?)


/''rɪəlɪ/ / adv.真的,是吗(表示疑问、惊讶、恼怒等)

He''s not really good at shooting arrows.(事实上他并不擅长射箭。)


/brɪŋ/ / v.带来

The mailman will bring you your mail every day.(邮递员每天都会把你的邮件送来。)


/skuːl/ / n.学校

I''m going to the school.(我要去学校。)

Lesson 7(3个单词)



/bæd/ / adj.严重的,厉害的

Smoking is bad for your health.(吸烟有害健康。)


/kəʊld/ / n.感冒

I prefer the cold,snowy mountains over warm places.(比起温暖的地方,我更喜欢寒冷、白雪皑皑的山区。)


/drɪŋk/ / v.喝

Children should not drink fruit juices straight.(儿童不应该喝纯果汁。)

Lesson 9(3个单词)



/wɜːd/ / n.字,词

The words stood out clearly on the page.(那些字赫然写在纸上。)


/kəm''pjuːtə/ / n.电脑

I could do all my work on the computer.(我所有的工作都能在计算机上完成。)


/''iːzɪ/ / adj.容易的

This is not an easy task.(这不是件容易的差事。)

Lesson 10(4个单词)



/dɔː/ / n.门

What''s behind the door?(门后面是什么?)


/kaɪnd/ / adj.体贴的,善良的

What kind of animals are Bees?(蜜蜂是什么种类的动物?)


/''wɪndəʊ/ / n.窗户

I opened a shuttered window.(我打开了一扇百叶窗已合上的窗户。)


/glɑːs/ / n.玻璃杯

Bring me a glass of water, Sally. I''m very thirsty.(给我一杯水,Sally。我很渴。)

Lesson 11(3个单词)



/''bɒrəʊ/ / v.借入

Can I borrow a pen please?(我可以借支笔吗?)


/teɪk/ / v.拿到;取得

Mark often took his books to Bess''s house to study.(马克常常带着书本去贝丝家学习。)


/faɪn/ / adj.好的;健康的

I''m fine. Thank you.(我很好。谢谢你。)

Lesson 15(5个单词)



/get/ / v.获得

What grade are you hoping to get?(你希望得到什么样的成绩?)


/pen/ / n.钢笔

Can I use your pen,Joy?(我能用你的钢笔吗,乔伊?)


/kaɪnd/ / n.种类

What kind of animals are Bees?(蜜蜂是什么种类的动物?)


/braʊn/ / n.&adj.棕色;棕色的

I''m painting the wall in brown.(我在把墙刷成棕色。)


/θɪŋk/ / v.想;认为

I think so.(我想是如此。)

Lesson 16(3个单词)



/peə/ / n.一双(副,对)

This is a pair of spectacles for nearsighted persons.(这是一副近视眼镜。)


/ʃuː/ / n.鞋子

Low-heeled comfortable shoes are best.(舒服的低跟鞋子最好了。)

·*how much

/ 多少钱

How much are they?(它们多少钱?)

Lesson 17(4个单词)



/baɪ/ / v.买

You can buy gift over the internet.(你可以在网上购买礼物。)


/ʃɒp/ / n.商店

This shop laid in a new stock of goods just a few days ago.(这家商店前几天刚进了一批货。)


/sel/ / v.出售,卖

I''ll sell at a discount in return for a speedy sale.(为了尽快售出,我会打折销售。)


/''traʊzəz/ / n.裤子

She wears a pair of white trousers.(她穿着一条白裤子。)

Lesson 19(5个单词)



/iːt/ / v.吃

She was eating a sandwich.(她在吃三明治。)


/''helθɪ/ / adj.有益健康的

Kiwi fruit are just the thing for a healthy snack.(猕猴桃作为有益健康的零食是再好不过了。)


/saʊə/ / adj.酸的

How sour these grapes taste!(这些葡萄真酸!)


/kʊk/ / n.厨师

I want to be a cook.(我想成为一名厨师。)


/dʌk/ / n.鸭子

I hava a duck.(我有一只鸭子。)

Lesson 20(3个单词)



/suːp/ / n.汤;羹

Seafood soup is a good appetizer.(海鲜汤是一道很好的开胃菜。)


/''sɒrɪ/ / int.抱歉,对不起



/paɪ/ / n.酥壳有馅的饼

Glaze the pie with beaten egg.(将搅拌过的蛋汁浇在馅饼上。)

Lesson 21(4个单词)



/''tʃɪkɪn/ / n.鸡肉

I want chicken.(我想吃鸡肉。)


/ˈhæmbɜ:gə/ / n.汉堡包

Hamburger is unhealthy but delicious.(汉堡虽不健康但好吃。)


/tʃeɪn(d)ʒ/ / n.找给的零钱

We cannot change the past.(我们无法改变过去。)


/''mʌnɪ/ / n.钱

Heaven knows they have enough money.(他们的钱够多了。)

Lesson 23(4个单词)



/hɒt/ / adj.热的

It was a hot, humid summer day.(这是个炎热潮湿的夏日。)


/bɪ''kʌm/ / v.变成,成为

Large tracts of wasteland have become a granary.(荒滩变成米粮川。)


/''klevə/ / adj.机灵的;聪明的

The clever dog brings the newspaper every morning.(这条聪明的狗每天早上都会拿报纸来。)


/aɪs/ / n.冰

The ice is melting.(冰正在融化。)

Lesson 24(5个单词)



/wɔːk/ / v.散步

I went for an early morning walk with my dogs today.(今天早上,我带着我家的狗狗溜了一圈。)


/ˈɪntrəstɪŋ/ / adj.有趣的;有意思的

The show is interesting.We all laugh.(这个节目很有趣,我们都笑了。)


/kləʊs/ / adj.接近的

If you are cold, close the window.(要是冷就把窗户关上。)


/''fɑːmə/ / n.农夫,农民

The farmer takes a rest after working for a long time.(老农在长时间辛苦耕耘以后休息了一会儿。)


/leɪk/ / n.湖

The lake is hidden among the mountains.(胡泊四周群山环绕。)

Lesson 25(3个单词)



/seɪ/ / v.说;讲

Why do you have to say it so loudly?(你为啥要说这么大声?)


/eə/ / n.空气

Let''s go out for some fresh air.(咱们出去呼吸点新鲜空气。)


/laɪv;lɪv/ / n.生活

Fish live in the water.(鱼生活在水里。)


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