

人气:372 ℃/2024-04-02 21:58:43

Casablanca is a 1942 American romantic drama film directed by Michael Curtiz. Set during World War Ⅱ, the film depicts a man torn between love and virtue. He must choose between his love for a woman and helping her husband escape to continue his fight against the Nazis.


Still of the film Casablanca

During the early part of WWⅡ, Rick Blaine (Humphrey Bogart) owns a nightclub in Casablanca of Morocco. Despite pressure from the local authorities, his club has become a safe haven for refugees looking to purchase illicit letters of transit which will allow them to escape to America.

在二战初期摩洛哥的卡萨布兰卡市, 亨弗莱•鲍嘉饰演的瑞克•布莱恩经营一所夜总会。虽然饱受地方政府的压迫,夜总会还是变成了避难者的安全港,避难者们盼着买到非法船票逃往美国。

One day, to Rick's great surprise, he is approached by the famed rebel Victor Laszlo and his wife Ilsa (Ingrid Bergman), Rick's true love who deserted him in Paris. She renews her love for Rick and want to say behind in Casablanca. "You must do the thinking for both of us", she says to Rick. He does, at the last moment, Rick makes Ilsa board the plane to Lisbon with her husband and then free French against Nazis.

Still of the film Casablanca

一天,大名鼎鼎的反纳粹战士维克多携带由英格丽•褒曼饰演的妻子依莉莎找到了瑞克。瑞克大为震惊,伊莉莎曾经是他的真爱,但却在巴黎抛弃了他。伊莉莎重燃了对对瑞克的爱情,想要留在卡萨布兰卡,她对瑞克说:“你一定要为咱们俩打算。” 瑞克做出来艰难的抉择。在最后一刻,他让伊莉莎和丈夫乘飞机逃往里斯本。后来,维克多加入了抗击纳粹的自由法兰西组织。

Casablanca is a captiviting wartime adventure of romance and intrigue. It won three Academy Awards, including Best Picture. It now consistently ranks near the top of lists of the greatest films of all time.

《卡萨布兰》是一部引人入胜的阴谋与爱情的战争冒险片,荣获最佳影片等3项奥斯卡奖, 至今依然占据着“有史以来最伟大的电影”榜单的前几位。

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