
lesson two 用法:语境中的语法Lesson,OneThe

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1.2 Uses of Be Be的用法

美语原版教材《语境中的语法》(Grammar in Context)

Lesson One The Present Tense of Be 一般现在时的Be


1. Look at the map of the United states. Find Washington and Washington D.C.

浏览北美地图,找到Washington(华盛顿)和Washington D.C(华盛顿特区)的位置。(参见下面地图橙色椭圆和线条所示)

2. Read the following article. Pay special attention to the uses of the verb be.

跟读下面文段,特别注意动词Be一般现在时(is, am, are)的用法。

Washington and Washington, D.C.

Washington (is) a state. It (is) in the northwest. Washington, D.C. (is) not a state. It (is) a special

government district. It (is) on the east coast. It (is) the capital of the U.S. The White House (is) in

Washington, D.C. The White House (is) the home of the President.

Wash.ing.ton ['wɔʃiŋtən] n.华盛顿

north.west [ˌnɔːθˈwest] n.西北;西北方; adj.西北方的;西北部的;

Wash.ing.ton,D.C. ['wɔʃiŋtən di: si: ] n.华盛顿特区

spe.cial [ˈspeʃəl] adj.特别的;;特有的

gov.ern.ment ['ɡʌvənmənt] n.政府;政体;统治

dis.trict [ˈdistrɪkt] n.区;行政区

coast [kəust] n.海岸;海滨;沿海地区;

cap.i.tal [ˈkæpitl] n.首都;首府;省会;

The White House n.白宫

pre.si.dent [ˈprezidənt] n.(尤指美国的)总统;主席


二、语言知识:Uses of Be 动词Be一般现在时形式(is, am, are)的用法


Uses of Be

Washington D.C. is beautiful.

Description (描述)

Washington D.C. is the capital

of the U.S.

Classification or definition


Washington D.C. is in the East.

Location (位置)

We are from Mexico.

Place of origin (来源地)

I am 25 years old.

Age (年龄)

It is hot in Puerto Rico.

Weather (天气)

It is 6 o'clock.

Time (时间)

解说:表示客观事实或普遍真理,用一般现在时。客观事实通常具体体现为description(描述)、classification(分类)、definition (定义)、location (位置)、place of origin(来源地)、age (年龄)、weather (天气)、time (时间)等概念。

beautiful [ˈbju:tiful] adj.美的;美丽的

Mexico [ 'meksikəu ] n. 墨西哥

description [diˈskripʃən] n.描述;详细说明

classification [ˌklæsifiˈkeiʃən] n.分类;分级;类别

definition [ˌdefiˈniʃən] n.定义; 下定义;

location [ləuˈkeiʃən] n.地点;位置;

origin [ˈɔridʒin] n.起源;来源;

weather [ˈweðə] n.天气;气象;


EXERCISE 2 Fill in the blanks to make true statements.

练习 2 根据真实的客观事实填空,使句子完整。

示例: California is on the _west_ (location) coast.

1. Washington D.C. is on the __________ (location) coast.

2. Chicago is a __________ (classification) and Illinois is a state.

3. Puerto Rico is an __________ (classification) with water all around.

4. It is __________ (time) now.

5. It is __________ (weather) today.

6. The American president is about __________ (age).

7. The teacher is from __________ (place of origin)

true [tru:] adj.真实的;基于事实的;

statement [ˈsteitmənt] n. 陈述, 陈词,表达

California [ˌkæli'fɔːnjə] n. 加利福尼亚州;加州

Chi.ca.go [ ʃi'kɑ:gəu ] n.芝加哥市

Illinois [ˌili'nɔi(z)] n.伊利诺伊斯州

American [əˈmerɪkən] n.美国人; 美洲人; 美国英语;adj.美洲的; 美国的


1. east。 (参见上面地图橙色椭圆和线条所示)

2. city。 (参见上面地图蓝色方框和线条所示)

3. island。(参见1.1地图橙色椭圆和线条所示)

4. 9:17。 (作者编辑本文时间)

5. sunny。(作者编辑本文当日天气状况)

6. 80。 (美国现任总统拜登今年年龄)

7. China。(作者国籍)






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