
雅思写作高分大作文范文 雅思写作-大作文范文赏析-剑9

人气:157 ℃/2024-03-14 17:42:50

题目:Some people believe that unpaid community service should be a compulsory part of high school programmes (for example working for a charity, improving the neighbourhood or teaching sports to younger children).

To what extent do you agree or disagree?














Sample Answer

As a vital component of high school education, community service should always be a part of the whole educational system. Personally, I could not agree more because not only students but also the whole society can benefit a lot from unpaid service.


Admittedly, unpaid jobs for charity organizations take up some of the time students need to spend more valuable time on their studies. Namely, in a short term, this activity cannot bring any reward for the study of those participants. However, people should never judge activities with a short‐sighted view; instead, long‐term perspective becomes more reasonable and smarter. With sufficient social experiences and working skills, students may become more competitive in the job market after graduation.


Obviously, establishing community service as a mandatory part of high school education is not only helpful for students but also meaningful for the whole society. Firstly, both text‐based and society‐based methods make up the whole structure of the high school education. Community service perfectly combines both parts in order to accomplish a better outcome for those students because they have the opportunity to put their newly learnt theories, such as theories of social work, into practice. Secondly, throughout these charitable activities, students can work with disabled people, so they are likely to pay more attention to these special groups and understand them better in their daily life. More importantly, it will shape their strong and independent personalities gradually. Namely, offering help to others teaches the young to understand and support each other in the community.


In sum, it is a must to add community service to the compulsory education, especially in high schools. Through such service, students can gain both social experiences and working skills that will contribute to their competence. In addition, it is also meaningful for the whole society because students know more about and understand the society better.




本文论述先从反面切入,而后从正面详细分析,使得论述更客观辩证。语言表达流畅,一系列连接词如 personally, admittedly, however, instead, more importantly 使得行文更加连贯。

Admittedly, unpaid jobs for charity organizations take up some of the time students need to spend more valuable time on their studies. Namely, in a short term, this activity cannot bring any reward for the study of those participants.


In sum, it is a must to add community service to the compulsory education, especially in high schools.

句型 In sum…用于议论文结尾总结观点。



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