
人气:353 ℃/2022-04-03 03:51:33
【导读】 20166月英语六级听力2009年12月英语六级听力下载,下面是小编为你收集整理的,希望对你有帮助!Section A11.W: Did you use credit cards on your vacation last month in Europe?M: Sure I did. They ce...

Section A

11.W: Did you use credit cards on your vacation last month in Europe?M: Sure I did. They certainly beat going around with a wallet full of big bills. But carrying lots of cash is still verycommon among some older people traveling abroad.

Q: What does the man say about some elderly people?

12.W: Rod must be in a bad mood today. What’s wrong with him? M: He was passed over in the selection process for the dean of the admissions office. He’d been hoping for the position for a longtime.

Q: What does the man mean?

13.M: What a great singer Justin is! His concert is just awesome. And you’ll never regret the money you paid for the ticket. W: Yeah. Judging by the amount of the applause, everyone wasenjoying it.

Q: What does the woman mean?

14.W: I received an email yesterday from Henry. Do you remember? He was one of the chairpersons of our students union. M: Yes, but I haven’t heard from him for ages. Actually I’ve been out oftouch with him since our first reunion after graduation.

Q: What do we learn about the speakers?

15.M: Driving at night always makes me tired. Let’s stop for dinner.W: Fine. And let’s find a motel, so that we can get an early start tomorrow.

Q: What will the speakers probably do?

16.W: Let’s look at the survey on consumer confidence we conducted last week. How reliable are these figures?M: They have a 5% margin of error

Q: What are the speakers talking about?

17.W: Look at this catalogue, John. I think I want to get this red blouse. M: Err, I think you’ve already one like this in blue. Do you need every color in the rainbow?

Q: What does the man mean?


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