
人气:444 ℃/2024-06-26 16:14:54
【导读】 英语寓言故事带翻译小学水平,下面是小编为你收集整理的,希望对你有帮助!寓言有着独特的文体特征,故事内容短小精悍,蕴含哲理且耐人寻味,下面这些是小编为大家推荐的几篇。1:Fool Eating SaltThere was once a fool visited his f...


1:Fool Eating Salt

There was once a fool visited his friend.

The host offered him some food which he found tasteless. When the master of the house heard him complain, he added some salt to the dish.

The fool found the food now quite delicious. He thought, "The food is delicious because of the salt could produce this effect, a lot of salt must taste even better." The fool that he was, hestarted eating nothing but salt. Rather than tasting delicious. The salt spoiled his appetite.




2:The impossible Gate keeper

A man was about to go away on a long journey. He told his servant, "You keep an eye on the gate and look after the donkey."

After the master had left, the servant heard someone playing music in the neighborhood. Unable to restrain himself, he wanted to go there and listen. Feeling ill at ease, he roped the gateonto the donkey's back and made it carry the gate all the way to the site of the show.

With the servant gone, all the valuables in the house were stolen by thieves. When the master returned he asked, "Where are my valuables?" The servant replied, "Master, you only told me tokeep on the gate and the donkey with the leash. Apart from them, l know nothing of the whereabouts of your things."

The master declared, "l left you here to guard the gate precisely for the sake of looking after my valuables. With all my valuables gone, what is the good of having a gate?"





3:The wolf and the horse

A wolf on his rambles came to a field of oats, but, but being able to eat them. He was passing on his way when a horse came along. "Look," said the Wolf, "here's fine field of oats.

For your sake I have left it untouched, and I shall greatly enjoy the sound of your teeth munching the ripe grain." But the horse replied, "If wolves could eat oats. my fine friend, you wouldhardly have indulged your ears at the cost of your belly."

There is no virtue in giving to others what is useless to oneself.










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