
人气:293 ℃/2024-04-07 09:12:27
【导读】 大学英语六级段落翻译,下面是小编为你收集整理的,希望对你有帮助!下面是小编整理的大学英语六级段落翻译,欢迎大家阅读!1:长期以来,火车运力不足导致的车票严重短缺尤其在春运期间一直是个令人头疼的问题。这种状况因票贩子scalper囤积stockpile和和高价倒卖r...



长期以来,火车运力不足导致的车票严重短缺尤其在春运期间一直是个令人头疼的问题。这种状况因票贩子scalper囤积stockpile和和高价倒卖resell at higher prices火车票而加剧。为此,政府试行并最终在全国范围内实行了火车票实名制name—basedtrainticketsystem。该制度要求乘客在购买火车票和乘坐火车时,需要进行个人真实姓名和身份的登记和验证。该制度对于打击票贩子的违法行为起到了显著的作用,同时对控制铁路沿线上的各种犯罪行为、保障乘客的合法权益也有一定的作用。

Name-based Train Ticket System

It has long been a headache that inadequate railway service results in severe ticket shortages notablyespecially during the Spring Festival. The situation was worsened as scalpersstockpiled tickets and resold them at higher prices for fat profit margins. For this reason, the name-based train ticket system was piloted and finally implemented nationwide.

The system requires passengers to have their real names and identities registered and checked when they buy the train tickets and board trains, which plays a significant role in cracking downon the illegal activities of scalpers. Meanwhile, it also has some effect on reining in various criminal acts and safeguarding passengers' lawful rights and interests.


烤鸭始于南宋,称得上是中国历史上最久远的菜肴之一。明成祖EmperorYongle定都北京后,烤鸭传到北方,由民间小吃变成宫廷美味。北京烤鸭,是北京名食,它以色泽红润reddishbright color、肉质细嫩tendermeat、味道醇厚richflavor、肥而不腻fatbutnotgreasy的特色,被誉为“天下美味”而驰名中外。一般来说,外国游客来北京 旅游时都会去尝尝北京烤鸭,有句俗语说得好“不到万里长城非好汉,不吃北京烤鸭真遗憾”,北京烤鸭在人们心目中的地位由此可见一斑。

Beijing Roast Duck

Roast duck, which can be traced back to the Southern Song Dynasty, can be regarded as one of the oldest dishes in Chinese history. Afler Emperor Yongle made Beijing the capital of the MingDynasty, roast duck was introduced to northern China, where it turned from a folk snack to a court delicacy. As a famous dish in Beijing, Beijing roast duck is renowned at home and abroad,being acclaimed as "a delicacy of the world" for its reddish bright color, tender meat, rich flavor and fat but not greasy taste. Generally speaking, a foreign tourist will definitely have atry of Beijing roast duck while travelling in Beijing. There is a common saying which puts it quite fittingly: He who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man; he who has never eatenthe Beijing roast duck is sure to regret. From this we know how important Beijing roast duck is in people's eyes.



The Summer Palace

The Summer Palace, which was originally named Qingyi Yuan, is the largest imperial garden existing in China. It mainly consists of the Longevity Hill and the Kunming Lake,covering an area of2.9 square kilometers, three quarters of which is water. It was first constructed in 1750 and was completed fifteen years later. In 1860, the Summer Palace was burned down by the Anglo-FrenchAllied Forces. The govemment of the Qing Dynasty started to rebuild it in 1886 and renamed it two years later as what is called now. In 1900, the imperial garden was ravaged by the Eight-PowerAllied Forces that invaded China. The damage was repaired in 1902. Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the Summer Palace has undergone several renovations. Nowadays, theSummer Palace is a tourist destination as well as a recreational park.


在中国各种不同的传统民居中,四合院quadrangle是最典型和最具代表性的一种建筑。其不论规模大小,都由四面房屋及其围合的庭院组成。坐北朝南的房屋称为正房main house,东西两边的称为厢房side house,南房称为倒座房reversely-sethouse。贵族或富有人家往往还有走廊把正房和厢房连接起来。四合院里的生活从容、宁静,却又其乐融融。四合院一定程度上体现着社会的等级hierachical秩序和家庭的尊卑观念。四合院历史悠久,蕴含着深刻的文内涵connotation,是中国传统文化的载体。


The quadrangle is the most typical and representative building among various traditional Chinese residences. Quadrangles, large or small, consist of courtyards surrounded by houses alongtheir four sides. The house on the north facing the south is called the main house or principal house, the house lies on the east or west sides is called the side house or wing house and theone stands on the south is called the reversely-set house. The main house and the side houses of the nobles or the rich are often connected together by corridors. Life in a quadrangle is calmand quiet, but not without joy and harmony. The quadrangle reflects to some extent the hierarchical order of the society and the concept of superiority and inferiority in the family. Thetime-honored quadrangle is a carrier of Chinese traditional culture with profound cultural connotations.

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