
人气:138 ℃/2021-09-30 08:17:57
【导读】 一件难忘的事英语作文及翻译,下面是小编为你收集整理的,希望对你有帮助!在我们的记忆中,有许许多多难忘的事,开心的,或者伤心的,下面就来看看小编整理的一件难忘的事英语作文吧!一件难忘的事英语作文1今天放学回家的路上,我远远看见有一个人在垃圾箱里找什么东西,我觉得很奇怪。T...




Today, on my way home from school, I saw a man looking for something in a dustbin. I thought it was strange.


I approached to see that it was an old grandmother with grey hair, wrinkled faces, tattered clothes, and a pair of dark black hands looking in the dustbin. Suddenly there was a smile on herface. It turned out that she found several empty bottles. I think: a few empty bottles are worth only a few cents. When she is so old, she should have lived comfortably at home, but shecollects garbage in such a dirty place. Her family must be poor and she is poor!


I was sorry to see that. I gave my grandmother the money she gave me for breakfast. The old woman said to me, "you are really a dutiful child. Thank you."!" I hasten to say, "no thanks."!" Ireturned home with my schoolbag on.


On my way home, I was in a good mood, because I made a meaningful and memorable thing today.



The flight of time, Time flies like a shuttle. Blink of an eye, I have become a student of grade six, I think of three years ago, my sister and I went to  Shanhaiguan happy Ocean Parktour, my heart is particularly happy.


We got there early and saw a sea of people. I couldn't wait to get there because there were three districts. The first is the entertainment area, where there are fountains, squares, divingpools, combination chutes, pirate castles, surfing...... Second on the embassy district, where there is a museum, museum, dolphin whale sharks, seals, sea lions Pavilion Pavilion Pavilion,pavilion, pavilion, sea turtle Mermaid museum......


What impressed me most was that I stole the show. The staff first took out a ring and hung it on a pole. After that, the dolphin came out of the circle. Dolphins can also head, staff use theball hanging in the high place, and then as soon as the dolphins jump, head the ball up. Dolphins can also use the mouth of a circle of nuisance it?.


Pick up a table to see, we are playing a game of the day, we are unable to part left the island. Although the time has passed for a long time, but I am still memorable for this memorablething.

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