
人气:109 ℃/2024-06-03 06:42:54
【导读】 高中英语作文必背,下面是小编为你收集整理的,希望对你有帮助!英语作文是对学生综合能力考核最彻底的一类题型,对单词的掌握、对语法的熟悉程度、谴词造句的能力都会在写作文的水平中体现的一览无余。下面,是小编为你整理的,希望对你有帮助!篇1Honest is some...



Honest is something very important in the present society. As people are clever and clever and the temptation is more and more, some people will lie to get what they want. This is not good.If you lie once, you will lie twice and then three times. That is not the end. You will lie easier day by day. Then you will become a person only telling lies. No one will trust you. Howterrible! Although sometimes to be honest may make you suffer little losses, mostly are some insignificant losses. As a result, you can earn others’ trust. Besides, if you always lie to others,they will do the same to you. How does a world will be? I think I don’t need to emphasize the importance of trust. Trust can make things totally different. Just to be an honest person for youand others.



In China, the students have to take part in many exams, they need to get the high mark, so that they can enter the better school and have more chances to get to the college. Chinese educationpays special attention to the score, it occupies important position, it seems that score decides the students’ future. In my opinion, score doesn’t mean everything, the score just proves thatthe students is good at studying, but not including his ability of other things. I have a classmate, he is good at studying, every time when he takes the exam, he almost can get the full mark,but he is week in hand work. When the teacher asks us to make some art work, he always fails and even doesn’t want to finish it. High score doesn’t mean overall ability, we should pay moreattention to the ability of life, it can make sure us to be a better man.



As the development of high technology, nowadays, people have access to all kinds of new products, these high technology products bring convenience to people’s life. Cell phone is one of thebiggest inventions, people can keep in touch with each other anytime and anywhere. It is natural that every adult has a cell phone, but for some students who are belong college, they are notadmitted to use cell phone, the reason is that they need to focus on study, cell phone will make them distract. In my opinion, all the students can have cell phone, it is just a communicationtool, there is no need to forbid students using it. At first, students may be addicted to playing cell phone, because they are curious about new things. But if they keep it for a long time,they get used to it and will use it in a right way.


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