
人气:361 ℃/2023-05-15 00:13:17
【导读】 关于梦想英语励志哲理短文欣赏,下面是小编为你收集整理的,希望对你有帮助!通过英语美文,不仅能够感受语言之美,领悟语言之用,还能产生学习语言的兴趣。让我们都拥有梦想,勇敢地去追逐梦想吧!小小的心灵,大大的梦想,它会让你的人生变得充实而快乐!下面是小编为大家整理的《》的相关资...



What is your dream? What are your goals you’ve set for yourself in working to achieve, achieving your dreams is never an easy ride.


Last fall I decided to write a new book for my publisher, writing a book is a challenge goal and I got off to a terrible start last October, the writing must slowing well, that I got sick, infact I got so sick that I need surgery and recovery period was a long inability, I didn’t know I work from the first week of November until the second week of January, by that I was nervousabout meeting the April first deadline for summiting with new manual script to my publisher.


Worried I asked my author friends for some help, and they gave me this key piece advice, “just start writing.” They all said, so I did. It was not an immediately resolution to my door drums,but with a few weeks perseverance, I got back in the groof, several people in my circle of supporters helped me to make some good connections, and I got the book completed and to the publisheron time.


It was an exciting goal for me to reach, so I took my family to Hawaii as my reward, I have a included picture of me living one of my dreams, swimming with the dolphins and a Wahoo.


Sometimes you ignore your own dreams because of self-doubt, fear, or external complications, you can think of many different excuses to brush those dreams aside. Your world will be come moreexciting, and you will begin to live more passionate and meaningful life if you go after your dreams.


So now, take a minute and write down three goals you want to accomplish this year, next, list the steps you must take so you can accomplish those three goals, finally, decide on a nice rewardfor yourself when you have achieved your goals, break the rule, believe in yourself, and create a sensitive urgency for yourself and says I will do it now.



Bindi Irwin, the 8-year-old daughter of the late "Crocodile Hunter" Steve Irwin, followed in her dad’s footsteps Thursday, using her American television debut to talk about animals.Thekhaki-clad girl skipped across the stage holding a blue-tongued lizard as she greeted audiences of the "The Ellen DeGeneres Show."


"This is Spanky. He’s 10 years old," Bindi told DeGeneres as she prodded the lizard to lick her face in an attempt to show its tongue.


"I just love animals. My dad really brought it out in me," Bindi said. "He’s the one that made me."


The only footage showing Irwin's death has now been destroyed, Terri Irwin told TV's "Access Hollywood" in an interview airing this week that the tape was destroyed when it was no longerneeded for the investigation into his death.


"There's standard protocols for examining certain evidence and that's no longer necessary, so we're very proud that Steve's last documentary is going to air and that's his last footage withwildlife," she said.


Irwin died while he was shooting two projects, including "Ocean's Deadliest" for the Discovery Channel.


When asked by "Access Hollywood" about reports that she kept that tape, Terri Irwin responded, "Oh no, all footage has been destroyed."


Steve Irwin's manager, John Stainton, said Saturday that the completed "Ocean's Deadliest" — minus footage from the day Irwin was killed — would be screened in the United States on Jan. 21.



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