
人气:446 ℃/2024-05-06 08:42:52
【导读】 有关高中英语对话短文精选,下面是小编为你收集整理的,希望对你有帮助!对话课堂教学是实现课程理念的主要途径之一,是实现师生平等一种形式。小编整理了有关高中英语对话短文,欢迎阅读!有关高中英语对话短文一J:Can you hold the end of this tape...



J:Can you hold the end of this tape measure?


S:Sure. What's this for?


J:I' m taking some measurements for new curtains.


S:What about measuring the floor for a new carpet,and the walls for new wallpaper?


J:I thought we'll just fix up the wood floor.and use some paint for the walls.


S:Good idea. I was thinking the same myself.


J:Tomorrow we'll go and pick out some curtains and paint.



A:What are you doing to your house?

B:We're redecorating our living room.

A:What are you going to do to it?

B:First, we're going to change the curtains, then we're going to paint the walls.

A:What colour are you going to paint them?

B:Pale yellow.

A:What else are you going to do?

B:We're going to put in some new furniture.


A:Now darling,I know that we've bought this house together,but it's just going to be far too expensive to decorate it.I think we should sell it.

B:Oh,no,Nathan,I...I really think we've bought this flat at the right time,you know.Market prices are going to go up,and I think you'll find in a year or two it will be worth a lot more.

A:But we're going to spend so much money in furnishing and decorating.I think we could get a much cheaper place that's already furnished.

B:But don't you like this place? I remember when we came to see it we thought it would be lovely.

A:Well,only you liked it really,darling.

B:Oh,why didn't you say so then?But I still think we've made a good buy.

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