
人气:129 ℃/2024-06-26 06:47:52
【导读】 英语作文请朋友欢度春节,下面是小编为你收集整理的,希望对你有帮助!春节是中华名族的传统节日,在这几天,我们通常要去拜访亲戚,长辈们也要给小孩子压岁钱的。如何写一篇请朋友过春节的英语作文呢?下面是小编给大家精心挑选的,希望大家喜欢!供你参考和阅读!英语作文欢度春节篇1...



Looking forward to a big spring tour finally arrived, this time we went to Changzhou flood city Spring and Autumn play.

At first I did not understand why the Spring and Autumn Park, came to the door I was clear. Distant look, a good "ancient city", the original is the Spring and Autumn Period as the theme of amodern amusement facilities, but also the ancient architecture of the park.

The door went for a while, all the magnificent "ancient architecture", so I feel to the Spring and Autumn Period. Looking at the bridge under the green river, walking in the bridge like theancient construction, the heart of a burst of quiet feeling, under the bridge turned a corner, suddenly all of a sudden "back to the" modern, roller coaster, fishing goldfish, torrent Yong Jin,... all I love to play.

The team stroll a big circle, and finally selected our first project - flying island, is a can put a lot of people on the turntable was an iron arm to the height of ten meters, browse thebeautiful scenery of the Spring and Autumn Park. Row of ten minutes of the team, the students can not wait to rush the turntable, the turntable slowly 360 degrees rotation, slowly left theground, at first did not let people feel anything, suddenly began to wind, the wind was almost my wallet Pockets out. Cold tube cold, outside the beautiful scenery, the left is a sea ofpeople's playground, in front of people immersive ancient buildings, the right is a picturesque little woods, and soon fell down, too cool!

The most memorable minute is that 4D film, all students are living for an hour, the film is only 15 minutes, but I think this one hour and other values. Students, rushed into the film park isI did not see where the screen, only to see several rows of 4D movie table, we came to the first row, tied to the seat belt, after a while light slowly dark, surrounded by a dark The The tableslowly rising, and suddenly my watch light less than the wall, and I found came to a large semi-circular hall, with the light of the film, I looked around, I suddenly realized that the originaltable up to the film The top of the park, we have several rows below the table screen is semi-circular. The movie started! Wow, really high-tech ah, do not have 3D glasses to see it isthree-dimensional, magnificent spectacular scenes to shock the students. I was in the middle of the day, and I felt that we were flying for a while, flew into the canyon, and suddenly got intothe sea and jumped out of the sea, and finally we watched an ancient sea war, a movie that made me unforgettable.

The spring tour really happy, the students also bought a lot of souvenirs.


Before the Spring Festival, my mother told me the origin of the Spring Festival: the Chinese Lunar New Year's first year known as the Spring Festival, generally from the twelfth lunar monthtwenty-three sacrifice to the first month fifteen, and some from the beginning of the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, To New Year's Eve and New Year's Day for the climax. Spring Festivaltime is long, wide geographical span, rich festivals. According to records, the Chinese people have more than 4,000 years of history of the Spring Festival. Therefore, the Spring Festival isChina's most important, the most solemn, but also the oldest and most lively traditional festivals.

This year the Spring Festival has three things that make me happy and memorable.

The first thing is to give grandparents a "surprise"

This is my "secret" it! You can not say it. I quietly tell you: grandfather and grandmother are 66 years old this year, my father and mother have long been good to discuss, to givegrandparents angry money! Hush, whisper! Do not let them hear. We put this wonderful desire and uncle through the gas, but not tell grandfather and grandmother. Because we have to give themboth a "surprise"!

Lunar 30th morning, my father and mother took our "secret" happily came to grandparents home, Uncle has been waiting for us at home. Grandparents have begun to prepare lunch, father andmother to join the ranks of the preparation, I and two uncle to play with ... ... lunch, we did not leak!

New Year bell is about to sound when the steaming dumplings have been put on the table, we were to grandparents New Year, and give them each sent a "surprise", grandfather and grandmotherface filled with a smile, they said: We have to keep it up. Accompanied by the bell of the New Year, each of us has reached the peak of happiness.

The second thing is to set off firecrackers

This year, my grandfather and mother bought me a lot of firecrackers, hand, flower, magic, small flying saucer, drilling monkey and so on. Boiled dumplings before me and my uncle and mymother went downstairs to show our firecrackers to the soldiers, and that firecrackers, flowers blossom Huaguang colorful red sunny and peaceful night sky, lit everyone's hope and vision The Iconstantly cheered and jumped, enjoy the release of the hearts of happiness and happiness, to meet the beautiful and new year.


Our family at the Spring Festival, my favorite is to set off firecrackers.

Year thirty, we eat dinner, I went to the designated location of the district firecrackers. I first from the dad car trunk a bunch of firecrackers also take a small, cylindrical firecrackerson the ground, with a lighter ignited the fuse, saw the firecrackers suddenly fly out of a small spark, then immediately turned up, like a dancing Dancing butterflies, and colorful, red,yellow, purple, blue is really beautiful; I took out a firecracker one by one, this power is called large, I first put it in the snow And then it will be lit, after a while heard only heard,snow dig a large kang; there is a tank car, I put the tank car on the ground, ignite the fuse, the tank car flying sparks, then opened Up and shoot the spark of beating; the most beautiful isthe conical firecrackers, it lit, fly like a willow like a spark, very charming ah!

Although the firecrackers put a little less, because to protect the environment, but not put it, so do not feel the taste of the New Year.

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