
人气:172 ℃/2024-04-04 04:33:32
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Long-awaited Christmas finally come, little bear and partners every day looking forward to the day can come soon, the bear in a dream sometimes dream of it to play with friends.

Christmas day bear special happy, early in the morning, just put on a lovely Christmas hat, put on beautiful clothes, go to its partners. Just pushed open the door, the view to make it feelvery surprised, outside to everywhere is white, flying snow is so beautiful, so charming, how desirable, let little bear feel like into the kingdom of snow and ice.

The bear in the snow with the guys did a lot of light snow ball, with one in the snow, play of very happy. They piled two snow child who, because of a little bear afraid it will be verylonely, so bear and two friends decided to heap snow child. In order not to let children feel cold snow, they gave two snow child hat and clothes. Bear and partners around the two snow childsang a song of joy, snow children feel very warm, showing a sweet smile.

At night, the bear and partners after eating Christmas dinner, beside the Christmas tree, under the light, the graceful dance, they play of very happy, also feel very happy!


Every year December 25 is the world's most christians commemorate the birth of Jesus. The church began to, there is no Christmas, about hundred years after Jesus went to heaven. It is saidthat: the first Christmas day is in AD 138, the saint kerry gate proposes by the bishop of Rome. While the church history carries the first Christmas in the year 336. Because the bible isunknown to remember Jesus to be born in, therefore around Christmas day date each different. Until 440 AD, the Roman Catholic church set December 25 for Christmas. 1607 a.d., around the worldchurch leader got together in Bethlehem, further to determine, from then on, the world's most christians are in December 25 for Christmas. It doesn't really matter which day, importantly shouldknow it is for commemorates savior Jesus to be born.

Due to the bible, Jesus was born in the night, so the traditional says December 24 for day and night "Christmas Eve or on Christmas Eve. People will prepare a Christmas tree on Christmas day,to friends and loved ones to prepare for Christmas and on Christmas Eve in their hats, and also with friends to sing, make Christmas CARDS, Christmas dinner with family and friends under theChristmas tree, etc. All in all, Christmas is a symbol of the good old days!

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