
人气:436 ℃/2023-10-28 04:02:36
【导读】 小考满分作文日出,下面是小编为你收集整理的,希望对你有帮助!作文体裁包括:记叙文、说明文、应用文、议论文。今天小编将与大家分享:小考满分作文:日出,具体内容如下,仅供大家参考阅读,更多精彩知识内容尽在,大家一起来学习吧!我不怕幽灵今天凌晨,我特意早起,爬上阳台...














This morning, I deliberately get up early, climb up the balcony, overlooking the eastern sky, anxiously waiting for sunrise.

It was getting dawn, trimmed with pale blue sky a few residual star, earth Mengmenglonglong, as shrouded in silver-gray veil. At this time, Wan Lai stillness, and occasionally heard severalcock from a distance.

While, the eastern sky floated a gray dawn, the world has gradually light up. Suddenly, in the east, the sky, the mountains, the trees are covered with a layer of red damask like - that glow,the sun will come out.

Slowly, the sun out of the horizon, red, veiled like a shy girl, quietly peering earth. Slowly, the sun rises up little by little, finally, it exposed the entire smile.

At this time, ten thousand rays, Bling thousand, will half the sky dyed red, vast land is also coated with a layer of red paint, patches of green leaves in the morning breeze blowing flashinga dazzling brilliance, birds child dressed in a Hongxia, singing, fly sky. At the moment, the silence of the village woke up, people began the morning cooking. Red, birds, cottages, smoke curl,what constitutes a beautiful picture ah!

The sun left the horizon, glowing red, like a brilliant flame agate plate, slowly floating upwards. Surrounded by red, glow exhaustion demonstrated that Qingshu Manjuan clouds, like the girlwearing a red dress, dancing.

After a child, red quietly receded, the sun emits ten thousand gold. Sky bluer, and like the deep sea, vast and bright and clean. The cloud also changed, shining white, seemed very soft andbeautiful. Distant mountains reveal a clear outline. Near trees, beautiful tall, slim. On the streets, silhouette little bursts of laughter, the whole world is full of vitality.

This scenery infected me, intoxicated me, I seem to feel that they have been integrated into a glorious sunrise.

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