
人气:438 ℃/2024-06-10 19:13:43
【导读】 经典智慧寓言故事双语阅读,下面是小编为你收集整理的,希望对你有帮助!寓言故事是文学体裁的一种。含有讽喻或明显教训意义的故事。它的结构简短,多用借喻手法,使富有教训意义的主题或深刻的道理在简单的故事中体现。其成功之处在于故事的可读性很强,无论人们的文化水准高低,都能在简...



A gay young spark I knew, who happened from his aunt great riches to inherit.


He started squandering and squandered with such spirit, that all his worldly wealth was I.O.U.


He had a fine fur coat, still new. It was winter at the time, and old Jack Frost was in his prime.


One day a s wallow passed: what does our booby do. But pawn t

"Why, aren't we all aware, you'll never see a swallow in the air till spring insight!


So now,"thinks prodigal,"my fur is useless quite. Why wrap oneself in furs?


It is now the first spring breezes. To Nature's waking realm bring everything that pleases, and to the silent North the banished Frost takes wing."


Our friend is quick at reckoning. He only quite forgets—at least, until he sneezes, one swallow does not make the spring.


And so it proves! The frosts return again. The carts go creaking through the crumbled snow, the chimneys puff their smoke, one very window pane, delightful fairy tracings show.


Poor rake! His eyes with rheumy moisture flow; the little bird that spoke of summer days to follow, lies frozen in the snow.


He stands beside the swallow. And shakes, and holds his breath, and mumbles through his teeth, "You villain, any how you'refinished too!


I thought that I could count on you! To pawn my fur just now—a pretty thing to do!"



An old Japanese man kept a sparrow of which he was very fond. One day it flew away and the old man became sad.


He went out looking all over the place for his sparrow At last, near a certain mountain, he met his sparrow.


The old man said joyously, "I missed you very much, sparrow. Will you follow me home?"


Though the sparrow was happy to see the old man, it shook its head.


"Take me to your home and let me see how you live."The old man pleaded. "I will go awayhappy to see if you are safe."


So the sparrow led the old man to his home. There were many other birds.


They all looked healthy and enjoyed each other's company.


"I am glad you are well and have good companions, dear sparrow. I can go back in peace, " saidthe old man.


When it was time for the old man to leave, the sparrow gave him a basket to take home withhim as a present.


"Well," said the old man's wife angrily when he returned, "where have you been all day? Andwhat have you here?"


"I have been to the home of my lost sparrow and received this basket as a present, replied he.


When she opened the basket sh6 was amazed to find it was full of gold and silver.


The old woman, who was very greedy, decided that she would like a basket of gold, so she setout for the sparrow's home, Unlike the old man who was kind to the sparrow, the wife used totreatit very badly.


"Hello, sparrow, how are you? I missed you very much," cried the old woman hypocritically.


The sparrow said nothing and she finally decided to go home.


Still the sparrow did not give her any present she had hoped for.


Before she left, she unashamedly asked for a present. "My husband got a basket of gold andsilver from you, " she reminded the bird.

但她离开前厚颜无耻地开口要礼物。 我家老头子以你这儿得到了一篮子金子和银子。"她提醒麻雀说。

"Alright, replied the sparrow, "for your husband's sake, I offer you two choices. One basket islight and the other is heavy.


Just choose one. But you can only open the basket when you reach home!"


The greedy old woman cried out, I’ll take the heavy one, " as she thought its weight willcontain more gold and silver. "Are you sure?" asked the sparrow.

贪心的老妇人叫道:“我要重的那一个。"因为她想重篮子里一定装了更多的金子和银子。 你确定要重的吗?¨麻雀问道。

"Yes. As sure as you see me standing before you! I'll take the heavy basket," she replied. So theold woman panted and puffed breathlessly as she carried the heavy basket all the way.


But when she arrived home and opened the basket, it was full of stones.


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