
人气:193 ℃/2021-12-14 00:08:27
【导读】 托福写作之媒体类素材汇总,下面是小编为你收集整理的,希望对你有帮助!托福写作练习我们需要掌握大量的词汇语法以及长难句的运用,优秀作文总是在不断地修改下不断提升的。所以良好的写作方法及优秀的范文参考也是我们需要的。在以下内容中我们就为大家带来,希望能为大家的托福写作备考...




正面影响 A. For customers, advertising plays an imperative part in making them aware of the worth of the product or service.

B. For business, advertising facilitates manufacturers in creating product awareness among the public.

C. Apart from commercial advertising, public service advertisement plays a vital and irreplaceable role in our society.

负面影响 A. Advertisements create stereotyped aesthetic and behavioral models that may influence people’s values early in their lives.

B. Too many advertisements are seen on TV screens and in newspapers or magazines.

C. Advertising has an overall adverse impact on children and young people. For example, children or young people often misunderstand advertising which in turn can lead to inappropriatebehavior.


Times have not become more violent. They have just become more televised.

--Marilyn Manson

The Internet is like alcohol in some sense. It accentuates what you would do anyway. If you want to be a loner, you can be more alone. If you want to connect, it makes it easier to connect.



Do you think all the news is true?

Not all the news is true. Broadsheet newspapers sometimes dig for information and twist its importance for political purposes. And news in tabloids is more sensational and contains morehalf-truth and biased opinions. The problem is that people everywhere confuse what they read in newspapers with news.


Advertising is the modern substitute for argument; its function is to make the worse appear the better.

Many a small thing has been made large by the right kind of advertising.

Advertising is a valuable economic factor because it is the cheapest way of selling goods, particularly if the goods are worthless.


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Patience is the most important quality of a good teacher. Use specific details and examples to support your opinion.

I will base my argument on my own teaching experience. I would say patience apparently is very importan, but there are a lot of qualities of a good teacher much more important than patience.For me, being professonal is the most important quality.

For a teacher being professional requires two essential components: knowledge and pedagogy. A teacher with amazing amount of knowledge in his or her subject is always very convincing. Moststudents appreciate teachers to give a reasonable interpretation of the theories written in the textbooks which are really hard to read. Being knowledgeable means that a teacher is able toexplain things with more convincing examples, and sometimes the ability to explain theories by using multiple fields of study is considered as a more important quality of a teacher.

This is not necessarily related to patience. One of my professors in college is very unique of his personality. When I asked questions to him, he always cut me off within the first thirtyseconds, saying, “I know exactly what you say. And it’s quite too na?ve. You go back home and read, uh… these two books. Is that clear? I have to go.” He never bothered answering questions inperson but always left me a chance to figure it out by myself. I have to say he is the most impatient person I have ever seen. But I also think just because of this, I started regardingteachers as a guide instead of a wheelchair. They point out the direction to us and let us go exploring independently.

Another aspect of being professional for a teacher is if the pedagogy a teacher employs is good or not. A good teacher may not communicate with students directly instead of which he would justgive lectures with audiences all listening. A good pedagogy is, in my opinion, a teaching method that can change complicated issues to a clearer vision and friendly access. Some of mycollegues, who mainly teach in my company, are experts in employing modern techonology in class. They usually have over four hundred students in the class at the same time. There is no way thatthey can answer each student’s question patiently. However, they manage the class more efficiently by writing teaching books that contain the answers to those most frequently asked quesiton andby using multimedia to clarify each point they make in class.

To be honest, teachers are not babysitters. They certainly are required to be patient. However, to say if a teacher is good always comes from the class performance with a crafty teaching skillsand sufficient knowledge backing it, which, I think, is the utmost consideration of evaluating a teacher.


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: working three days a week with longer hours is better than working five days a week with shorter hours.

People nowadays are becoming more restless in daily work and life, in which the rhythm is in quite an amazing shift towards being faster. From my point of view, I would rather schedule fewerdays of work rather than evenly distributed hours into more days.

Working three days in a week means that people will have four days off in a week, which leads to a more possibly flexible schedule. This will create a clear distinction between work and life.Not only do people have enough time to do house work, hang out with friends and read a book, but also they could plan a short trip somewhere nearby, which seems always to be in a rush in afive-day work circle. I work as an English course designer now. My supervisor permits that I can come to the office three days a week with the flexibility of arranging working days on my own.When I don’t come in, I usually visit exhibitions and art galleries, take my girl on a date, attend a reading session, and sometimes just simply camp in a mountain nearby Beijing. Apparently Iam not having too much desire for an exhausting Friday drink or an anxiety when Sunday night comes. Now I have more accomplishments besides work such as improving my Spanish and Bulgarian anddwelling in a library enjoying researching academics.

Obviously, there is one implication to work fewer days: work longer hours each day. I am not hesitating to take this option still. I always need time to get into my role. When all these ideascome to me, I also don’t want to simply stop and leave the work to the next day. This is somewhat called “marginal time”, which means the time spent simply from switching from one mental statusto another, for instance from that of working to that of lying down, takes certain amount of minutes to adjust to. Longer hours’ working usually can reduce this unecessary waste of time. I cango pretty far in my projects in a day if counting the long duration from early morning to late night without stopping. Some of my friends even see “work hard and play harder” as their motto.This is so true. Seeing one day’s workflow going fast is truly a pleasure, which always motivates the next progress to happen. I remember one time when my team and I went through an entireday’s brainstorm and received a huge burst of work until mid-night.

And there is one thing adding up to this. I take work as a path to an enjoyment of life. I would totally enjoy a short yet a little painfully intense work, enjoying at the moment of working,and enjoying afterwards as well.


Learning about the past has no value for those of us living in the present. Do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

I disagree wholeheartedly that learning about the past has no value for those of us living in the present. In fact, the definition of learning includes the idea of an accumulation ofexperiences from the past. Learning can only take place if we make an association between things that have happened in the past or between something in the past and something that we predictwill happen in the future. All knowledge that we acquire as we grow is from the past-language, customs, academic subjects, and so on. While it may be helpful sometimes to be able to overlookprevious knowledge in order to avoid the constraint conformity, the vast majority of knowledge that we learn is a huge boost-imagine if each of us had to discover by ourselves that 2 + 2 = 4!So, in a very real sense, all learning depends on past events.

We are only able to live in this world with our current standard of living because we have learned from the past. We receive knowledge from the past and we are able to use it and improve it. Weexamine our actions in the past and we make judgments about what was right and what was wrong. Then, it is hoped, we will attempt to avoid those same mistakes again. For example, one of thegreat mistakes all over the world has been depriving women and the disempowered classes status in society and many industrialized and developing countries all over the world are attempting toavoid such mistakes both in the present and in the future.

Furthermore, all of the knowledge that we have today is a result of all the work of our predecessors. The ancient Greeks developed geometry, which helped other European scientists analyze thesolar system, which in turn gave us a new understanding of our place in the universe.The great majority of technology today depends directly on several thousands of years of work of pastthinkers. To ignore the knowledge of the past would be to throw away five thousand years of history and experience.

There is, however, some seemingly small, but important value to ignoring the past. It is often the case that history or tradition has the effect of constraining our thought in the present andmany important philosophical and scientific breakthroughs have only been possible as a direct result of ignoring the past. The past, in a sense, can blind us to the truth, we can become boundby tradition. For example, at one time, leading thinkers in Europe thought that the Earth was at the center of the universe and those who disagreed were persecuted as heretics, even Copernicus,who we now know was correct about his heliocentric model of the Solar System. However, scientists were eventually able to break from the past and accept the new model of the universe.

In short, learning from and analyzing the past has enormous value for us and life as we know it on Earth today would not be possible without the benefit of thousands of years of history andaccumulated knowledge. It is important, however, to ignore the past so that we can make a step forward, and such free thinking should be encouraged, although not at the expense of pastknowledge. Learning from the past is something like learning from our parents-in most cases, their past helps us have a better future, but there are times when we need to make a break from thepast and make a bold step into an unknown future.

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