
人气:300 ℃/2021-09-27 02:17:51
【导读】 关于善心的英语名言警句汇总,下面是小编为你收集整理的,希望对你有帮助!1, the good person, a person is also good. - guanzhong2, good, evil must be watched, not long. - zuo...

1, the good person, a person is also good. - guanzhong

2, good, evil must be watched, not long. - zuo

3, good, evil is not enough to become famous, not enough to destroy the body. Book -

4, good and evil can't fellow. - liu zongyuan "for pei make public election PeiMian table"

5, and the character of the I think is good. -- -- bacon

6, make good moral, benevolence person home ning, for all the good children. -- -- Ming fang xiaoru

7, it's best yangxin passionless. - mencius

8, a good heart, thousands of immortality. Lit the lamp kuang, even though miles apart. -- -- the southern and northern dynasties xiao

9, a word of good, is more important than money. -- -- jin ge hong

10, FaShan, ShiLao. - the Confucius "the analects of Confucius · GongYeChang"

11, it is a sin to steal to small and not for! - liu bei

12, from good such that, from the evil such as collapse. - zuo

13, hoe evil, ten good long. - the highly. BiShiAn biography

14, the good side and check also. - wang anshi "music theory"

15, gentleman's great kindness -- mencius




4、善恶不可以同道。——柳宗元 《为裴令公举裴冕表》

5、利人的品德我认为就是善。—— 培根





10、无伐善,无施劳。—— 孔子 《论语·公冶长》

11、勿以恶小而为之,勿以善小而不为!—— 刘备


13、锄一恶,长十善。—— 《宋史.毕士安传》

14、善之端而止之也。——王安石 《礼乐论》


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