
人气:291 ℃/2022-11-22 09:25:33
【导读】 小学生英语手抄报圣诞节内容简单,下面是小编为你收集整理的,希望对你有帮助!圣诞节前几个星期中,同学们纷纷带来了各种各样的装饰品。你知道做一份圣诞节的手抄报需要什么内容吗?今天小编给大家带来了,供大家阅读和参考。图片欣赏图片1图片2图片3图片4图片5资料1In a few w...









In a few weeks before Christmas, the classmates have brought all kinds of candy, and decorations, novel style exquisite Christmas gift. On December 25, we ushered in the annual Christmas, notinto the school gate, I saw long lines is close to school. I look inward, and there are many teacher dressed as Santa Claus, the candy! I hurriedly into the winding lines, although the team isvery long, but I'm still turn soon. I say to "Santa Claus" : Merry Christmas! "Santa Claus" also trust said to me: Merry Christmas! I got the sugar content of returned to the classroom.

Came into the classroom, I saw the students are talking about their respective get candy, everyone happy face, very happy. Next class, many students are in exchange candy with other students.


Today is the happiest day since I enrolled, because this afternoon my classmates and teachers, parents, held in our first grade ten classes together "Christmas party".

First by the week the teacher took us along the "horse dance" and "the most gorgeous national wind", I jump very happy; Then we were divided into six groups, the team performance is good,just can show, come up to show to everybody to introduce myself, when our group got a math problem, everyone will speak out the answer, everyone also got lots of presents. Last teacher zhangand zhou teacher give us a pleasant surprise, that is Santa Claus came to our class, we take a whole class, each group again and Santa Claus, Santa Claus sent us each of the children aChristmas gift, finally the principal teachers also came to our class, the teacher told us many things, also we shout the slogan: "ten class, class, unusual, charismatic, are ten class". Feeltime passed so fast, we play of very happy, it's time for school, gave each of us made a cake and apple, thank you very much for teachers and teacher zhang zhou "Christmas party" for us, hopecan have such activities next time!

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