
人气:334 ℃/2023-04-27 05:11:03
【导读】 平安夜愉快的优秀英语作文带翻译,下面是小编为你收集整理的,希望对你有帮助!平安夜,祥和温馨,有平安如意之兆,有健康快乐之福,愿君平安夜里收好运,幸福开心乐陶陶,默默接受我祝福,福寿安康行好运!今天小编在这给大家整理了一些,我们一起来看看吧!1Christmas Eve is...



Christmas Eve is coming soon, it is on December 24, the day before Christmas. At first, Christmas is very popular in western country, as the world gets globalized, Christmas Eve become aworldwide festival. On that day, people decorate the tree, families have dinner, all the members get together, chatting and singing while sitting around the stove. People have a lot ofactivities on that night, the young like to have party or masquerade, they hold the party all the night, celebrating the coming of the Christmas. For kids, it is a tradition that they putstockings in the chimney, the Santa Claus will bring them gifts that night. Actually, the gifts that the kids get are from their parents, the Santa Claus is their parents. Christmas Eve is likeChinese New Year’s Eve, both are important, the culture between Chinaand western countries has something in common.



Last year in December 24th, I and my mother spent a happy night. Remember that night, the street lights are bright, the vehicle The stream never stops flowing. My mother and I came to the crowdwith streams of people busily coming and going home and supermarket. We chose a big tree, and then bought a lot of lights, pictures and many small gifts. Back home, my mother and I were busydressing up the Christmas tree. We hang up a string of lights, plug in the socket, and then install the remote control button. A loud "bang", all the lights lit up, colorful, very beautiful.Then we put many small gifts are hanging on the Christmas tree, make it a colorful dress, to the nines. My mother and I looked at each other, simultaneously holding hands, around the beautifulChristmas tree, jumping and dancing, also sang the songs of joy. I found in my mother’s eyes revealed not only the joy, but also for my kind and caring. I stared at my mother, feel at thismoment, I am the happiest children in the world!

In the moments of joy, we make our best wishes around the Christmas tree. My wish is: I wish my mother will always be young and beautiful!

I will never forget the happy, happy Christmas eve!





Good morning sunshine, sprinkled on a page, such as dim as a brilliant sunset, a long drag on the tip of the partner. the wind always blowing more cold than usual, people could not help chills.

think about it, only more than thirty days from the final exam, while only four days away from the monthly exam. at this time, preparing for christmas in foreign countries, next thursday ischristmas eve, friday is christmas, we began monthly exam.

the eve of christmas eve last year, early in the morning, desk or drawer will have one apple, a chocolate flower branch, a branch length of the plum sugar ... bang bang ... and greeting cards,but also in a few days ago to quietly fashion today.

christmas eve, even in school, we will go out in groups, "hi", no matter how late, there will be fireworks, lanterns and carnival. on the road late at night, a group of naive whistling facetogether all the way ... ...

high and one of the. this year‘s christmas eve, and i as usual "hi", but my partner has become piles of piles of work and counseling book. christmas, continue past tense.

after all, we no longer small.

some things, has become the past.



christmas is a time for miracles.it is also a time when the dull things of daily life and the forecast of human hature gives way to a spiritual awakening.allow me to share with you one trulywonder of christmas.

our miracle story comes from an incident that occurred in flanders, belgium, at the dawn of world war i. on december 24th ,1914, german and english troops faced each other from the relativesafety of their ditches across which no man’s land lying between them. suddenly, the silence was broken, not by gunfire, but by the strains of silent night arising from the german position. itwasn’t long before the english troops responded with a yuletide hymn of their own. then an amazing sight surprised the eyes of the english soldiers. a german soldier holding a small treearranged with lighted candles began to walk across the land toward the english lines. this miraculous scene occasioned the declaration of a truce followed by english and german troops greetingone another, exchanging small gifts and singing songs of christmas. word of this incredible phenomenon reached the high command of both sides.

on christmas day, both armies moved from their positions to engage in the killing of war at other battlefields. however, on christmas eve 1914 on a field in flanders, there was peace on earth.

christmas is a truly amazing phenomenon. the day and season perpetuate a miraculous, historical event as an annual presence that challenges an often rough, cruel, and egotistical creature --the human being -- to become open and amenable to their creator’s vision. the great miracle of christmas continues in the performance of humane acts, moral honesty, and in the spiritualawareness of millions struggling to lead a life of grace.



On the night of the birth of Jesus, the shepherds who were guarding the sheep in the desert suddenly heard a voice from heaven telling them the news of the birth of Jesus. According to thebible, Jesus came into the world to be the king of the world, so that the angel passed on the message to more people.

Later, people imitated angels, and on the night of Christmas Eve, they preached about the birth of Jesus. To this day, it has evolved into a newspaper. Although Christmas Eve is a holiday forforeigners, we are also excited about this day.

On Christmas Eve, every family traditionally puts a Christmas tree in place. That night, the whole family reunion in the sitting room, around the tree to sing Christmas songs, exchange jpgts toeach other, each other to share the joys and sorrows of life, expressing their blessings and love, and pray for happiness in the coming year. But we are students, we can’t go home.

We went back to the dorm, took out the apples, and had no one else. Our dormitory bless each other, some snacks back to us, before we sleep, wash the socks in the bed, morning found stockingswith presents, I know who is right, is my butt, I also give him put on the jpgt, our dormitory exchange jpgts with each other, we are put before they fell asleep...

We love each other’s jpgts.






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