

人气:164 ℃/2024-01-29 16:10:03

1. “No matter how tough the chase is, you should always have the dream you saw on the first day. It’ll keep you motivated and rescue you (from any weak thoughts).”

2. “Help young people. Help small guys. Because small guys will be big. Young people will have the seeds you bury in their minds, and when they grow up, they will change the world.”

3. “I try to make myself happy because I know that if I’m not happy, my colleagues are not happy and my shareholders are not happy and my customers are not happy.”

4. “Without internet, there would have been no Jack Ma, and no Alibaba or Taobao.”

5. “I’m not a tech guy. I’m looking at the technology with the eyes of my customers, normal people’s eyes.”

6. “Never ever do business with the government. Be in love with them, never marry them.”

7. “My job is to help more people have jobs.”

8. “When we have money, we start making mistakes.”

9. “We should never finish a 20 year program in two years.”

10. “If you’ve never tried, how will you ever know if there’s any chance?”

11. “I’m a normal guy.”

12. “If you don’t give up, you still have a chance. Giving up is the greatest failure.”

13. “Life is so short, so beautiful. Don’t be so serious about work. Enjoy the lives.”

14. “Opportunity lies in the place where the complaints are.”

15. “When you are small, you have to be very focused and rely on your brain, not your strength.”

16.“Today, making money is very simple. But making sustainable money while being responsible to the society and improving the world is very difficult.”

17. “I don’t care about revenues.

18. “You never know that the things you’re doing are that meaningful to society.”

19. “If we are a good team and know what we want to do, one of us can defeat ten of them.”

20. “A leader should have higher grit and tenacity, and be able to endure what the employees can’t.”













或许就像星爷所说的:人没有梦想, 那跟咸鱼有什么区别呢?



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