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研究考官范文是学习雅思大作文的一种很好的方法。下面武汉环球教育王琼老师就来分享下剑桥7 test 3试题。

As most people spend a major part of their adult life at work, job satisfaction is an important element of individual wellbeing.

What factors contribute to job satisfaction?

How realistic is the expectation of job satisfaction for all workers?


job satisfaction 看起来比较抽象,一般学生从来没想过,factors影响因素,这个比较好思考观点,How realistic is the expectation of job satisfaction for all workers? 这个要首先说明 job satisfaction for all workers 所有工人工作满意度的状况,再来回答 how realistic is the expectation.


第一段:从介绍背景入手,点出job satisfaction很重要。

第二段:影响因素:第一点firstly开头,a sense of fulfillment 满足感来源于因为工作有价值(valued and valuable work);由于工作对社会或经济有利,所以觉得工作有价值(the job is worth is worth doing)。第二点 secondly 开头,a sense of progress and purpose 进步感和达到目的的感觉。第三点also作标志,the sense of belonging 归属感。第四点 also 作标志,a sense of responsibility 责任感和loyalty 忠诚。

第三段:介绍所有工人的satisfaction 状况,举例in some cases说明内因(skill, personality)外因(工作性质 boring and repetitive和工作环境 labour relations)使satisfaction不高。

第四段:以however作转折,even though承上,I think 启下,表明自己立场,回到how realistic的问题,这个I think很重要,作为表明作者态度的标志性词,类似的还有in my opinion, personally, my view is that等等.文章最后一句将factors和how realistic联系起来。


大作文主体段就是讲道理,讲道理其实也就是因果关系(cause and effect),文章展示了丰富的句式so 结果;because of this 替代上句的原因;because 原因;by 原因;mean 结果;lead to 结果。

以上就是剑桥7 test 3考官范文的赏析,希望对大家有帮助。

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