
人气:313 ℃/2022-05-01 17:59:15
【导读】 安之的自我介绍英文,下面是小编为你收集整理的,希望对你有帮助!他,五岁前还不能喊“爸爸、妈妈”,十岁的时候能用英语流畅的做自我介绍;他,五岁之前对接受新事物有一种明显的抗拒感,十岁后开始接受泰拳的学习、半年时间能够上台进行电子琴弹唱表演;他,出世时因新生儿缺氧得...





My name is oenly, my age is ten.There are father , mother ,grandpa and grandma in my family.I like to watch cartoon film , and play games.When I am walking or sleeping,I often take the VCD withme.I am interested in playing,especially in English study.My favourite is study with <<WAWAYAYA English Club>>.While I was recording my movie last time.I suddenly waved my head.Mydaddy felt me a lovely kid.

Some times I am in the mood to play around when I am practicing gongfu.I don’t like to shout ”Ha,Ha,Ha”.but I like to shout like a monkey.I don’t like to kick strongly,then my daddy asks me tokick the news paper,and put the disk on my head when I ZhaMaBu.cas’we learn by ourselves.Today I join in the competition for showing my English, Japanese, French, and get more praise.I think Iam a special kid cas’ doctor told my mum I couldn’t speak..I started to speak my first sentence while I was five.My daddy and mammy cried out “My son is a miracle”.I am interested in studyingEnglish, Japanese and French,Why?Because I like to play Japanese pc games.

I really like to play!


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